University for Foreigners of Siena, Italy 2024

LENTI, Roberta (Apr. 2024 - Aug. 2024)

1. Why did you decide to come study in Japan and choose Chukyo University?

As my major is Japanese, I wanted to improve my Japanese skills and visit Japan. My home university organised a conference with Chukyo University in december 2022 and I was amazed by all the activities, so I decided to apply for it and fortunately I was able to get in!

2. How do you think you have matured through your studies at Chukyo? Please share your experiences, events, or feelings while studying at Chukyo University.

This is surely the most beautiful experience I’ve ever had in my life. My life during these months was filled with happiness and joy, I’m so lucky to have met a lot of amazing people in Chukyo. Also the GEC staff was really helpful during all the organisation of my stay, and I would like to thank you all for that. I’m so glad I’ve been able to spend this experience in such a beautiful place surrounded by wonderful people, it’s really sad that I can’t stay longer but I can’t wait to be back as soon as possible. 

3. How do you hope to make use of this experience in the future?

Before coming to Japan, I wasn’t confident at all with my Japanese skills. After coming here, not even after a month I could already feel that I was confident enough to have Japanese conversations alone. The students really helped me a lot in gaining confidence and learning a lot of things. Now I’m even more convinced that this is the right path for me!

4. Finally, please give a message to juniors who are considering studying at Chukyo University in the future.

Absolutely recommended! All the GEC staff really help you a lot with every step, from forms before coming to Japan, to going to the ward office to complete all of the work that has to be done. Also you will never be bored as there’s always something fun and a lot of events to do! You won’t regret coming here.