The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong 2024

LAI, HUGO HO KWONG (Sep. 2024 - Dec. 2024)

1. Why did you decide to come study in Japan and choose Chukyo University?

At first, I wanted to participate in student exchange in Japan because I was very interested in Japanese media such as music, video games, anime and manga, which made me want to learn the language with the goal of being able to consume those media without needing a translation. 

When it came to choosing which school to go to, Chukyo University in Nagoya caught my interests because having lived my whole life so far in the very busy and restless city of Hong Kong, I have never experienced life at a slower pace. As such I picked Chukyo University with the hope that I would be able to immerse myself in a foreign language environment, and to experience life at a more relaxed pace.

2. How do you think you have matured through your studies at Chukyo? Please share your experiences, events, or feelings while studying at Chukyo University.

I think I experienced important growth as a person during my time here. Back home, everything was always so rushed and restless. I had little time to think about myself or put attention on what I am actually feeling. But being here, I have found myself with a lot more free time to be introspective and get in touch with my emotions. I have a lot more time and opportunities to process my emotions, and I was able to experience some real peace of mind that I probably have not in the past few years. This in addition to the wonderful people that I have made friends with here greatly improved my mental health.

In addition, my language skills have also improved a lot here. My Japanese obviously improved a lot thanks to the environment and the classes that I am taking here. But aside from Japanese, my English also improved because of me making friends and hanging out a lot with American people as well as other exchange students who can speak English. This latter part was definitely not quite what I expected but still very much welcome nonetheless.

3. How do you hope to make use of this experience in the future?

Even though the conditions back home might not allow for it, but I will try to put more focus on my personal mental state from now on.

As for my language skills, my original goal of learning Japanese was largely casual and recreational, but considering how much I improved, I see a possibility of me further honing my Japanese and utilizing this skill to aid me in finding a job in the future.

My time speaking English with my American friends has also helped me with my pronunciation, as well as improving my confidence in practically using this language. 

I am certain that all of these aspects will be useful to me in the future.

4. Finally, please give a message to juniors who are considering studying at Chukyo University in the future.

If you are interested in studying in Nagoya Japan, Chukyo provides a very accommodating experience. I am certain you will forge cherished friendships and create treasured memories here.